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Sometimes you need your own space

When I was young and needed space, I posted a sign on my bedroom door that read “I don’t want you in here” - it had a stick figure with a giant X drawn over it. There are times I still need that sign.



I was born and raised in St. Louis, with a gravel driveway that matches my sonic delivery.  A rule-follower for so long, I found my rebellious outlet in rock-and-roll, and fell in love with lyrical gauntlets and musical hooks. 


I’m a singer-songwriter at heart and a member of The Vondrukes – a rock-forward band embracing twang, Latin, and fusion - and was a member of the folk-rock band The Poorhouse Says for over a decade.


I’ve performed with Fred Eaglesmith, Sam Shaber, Cowboy Mouth, Carbonleaf, and Two Cow Garage among others. I’ve played anywhere from a rusty apartment fire-escape to larger stages like The Pageant, and even a cozy pub in Sligo, Ireland. In 2016 I was honored to play Twangfest with The Vondrukes - a personal Bucket List item.


The goal

I’ve made a lot of music with great bandmates, including 6 albums, but have wanted to make a solo album for almost 20 years, challenging myself to play as many instruments on the record as possible. I'm excited to release I Don't Want You In Here this January 2023.


I  was honored to have a few people along for the ride:


Dave Hansen - associate producer & rhythm electric on Change My Mind

David Beeman - drums

Scott Swartz - pedal steel (Wanderer, I Don’t Want You In Here, Cars)

Rachel Parkin - violin (Cars)

Kris O’Sullivan - harmony vocals (Parasol Games) and my incredible sister


The album

Full of familiar themes we all experience, I Don't Want You In Here reflects how mine have played out. From fuzzed-out rockers to bedroom lullabies, it covers a range of intensity and deep sincerity that one friend described as “all of Bob McKee, the full expression of you”.


Everyone has a room packed with emotional secrets. I don’t want you in there, but I’ll let you hear what it sounds like.

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© 2022 by Bob McKee

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